Private JSON-AI is denoted with ‘*’ characters, and therefore make up a connected ‘constellation’ of private and reserved entity meanings that your organization can customize.
Constellation has the following reserved words:
You are free to create your own private JSON-AI values for internal purposes where you can control privacy settings that integrate with your favorite services, such as google docs,, etc. The following guarantee your JSON-AI will be compatible with past and future versions and should not be altered unless at your own risk or reward!
The JSON-AI schema object is reserved.
JSON-AI’s story ‘_origin’ is reserved for testing on as we publish on and expand JSON-AI’s capabilities to other frameworks.
Executable commands that are reserved in JSON-AI, such as ‘parse’ and ‘echo’.
"*.@i.magic": {
"parse": {},
"echo":, {}
Feedback is a rating system that can allow for emotions, 1–5 ratings, thumbs up or down, and helpful/not helpful in a standardized
"*": {
"@i.:D":5, //loved it ★★★★★
"@i.:)":4, //like it ★★★★☆ thumbs up
"@i.:|":3, //it was ok ★★★☆☆
"@i.:(":2, //disliked it ★★☆☆☆ thumbs down
"@i.x(":1 //hated it ★☆☆☆☆
Knowledge of Knowledge